Safety Sign Information

Author: Andrew Matsen   Date Posted:6 January 2015 

Safety Signs are necessary for the safety of everyone at your workplace. To be effective staff must be able to understand the message, and be aware of the possible consequences of not following it. ie: The consequences of not adhering to a danger sign could mean possible death. It is the responsibility of all owners and managers to educate their staff on the issue of safety.


Mandatory Signs

AS 1319 - 1994 specifies these signs should be a blue disc with the symbol in white. The word MUST is usually contained in the message.

Warning / Caution Signs

AS 1319 - 1994 specifies that these signs warn of conditions that are NOT likely to be life threatening if the message is ignored. The symbol used is a yellow triangle with a black enclosure.

Danger Signs

AS 1319 - 1994 specifies that these signs are to be used where conditions are likely to be life threatening. The sign is to incorporate the word Danger in white letters on a red oval shape inside a black rectangle.

Prohibition Signs

AS 1319 - 1994 specifies these signs are to have a red annulus and slash symbol on a white background. They indicate actions or activities that are not permitted.


Safety / Emergency Signs

AS 1319-1994 specifies these signs should comprise of a white symbol or text on a green rectangle with white enclosure. These signs indicate the location of, or direction to emergency related facilities and first aid or safety equipment.

Fire Signs

AS 1319 - 1994 refers to fire signs which are covered in AS 2444 - 1995. These signs indicate the location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment. Signs shall comprise a red rectangle sign with a white legend and enclosure.

Hazchem Signs

AS 1216 - 1995 specifies the relevant "designs, layout and size". These signs are prescribed in the "Australian Dangerous Goods Code" and various State Government "Dangerous Goods, Storage and Handling Regulations".

Quarantine Signs

Quarantine signs are designed to comply with The Quarantine Act 1908 - Section 3.3 Security which states; All Quarantine Areas where goods subject to quarantine are stored or handled must display a quarantine sign to assist in effectively managing the security of these goods.

Pipe Identification Markers

Australian Standard (AS) 1345-1995 Pipeline Markers Australia. Pipeline Markers or pipe marking labels should be located adjacent to service appliances, valves, junctions, wall penetrations and bulkheads. Markers shall be placed no more than 8m apart except for long, external uninterrupted pipes where they should not exceed 50m.

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