OH&S Contacts

You can contact your State and Federal Authroities in regards to legislation that may effect your business.
National health and safety sites
- ACT Office of Regulatory Services
- WorkCover NSW
- Queensland Workplace Health and Safety
- Victorian WorkCover Authority
- Workplace Standards Tasmania
- WorkCover Corporation of South Australia
- SafeWork SA
- Safetyline - WorkSafe Western Australia
- Comcare Australia
- Federal Safety Commissioner
- The Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC)
- Heads of Workplace Safety Authorities (HoWSA)
- ACT Government
- Commonwealth Government Departments and Agencies
National workers compensation sites
- ACT Office of Regulatory Services
- New South Wales Compensation Court decisions
- New South Wales Dust Diseases Tribunal decisions
- Queensland WorkCover Authority
- Victorian WorkCover Authority
- WorkCover Tasmania
- WorkCover Corporation of South Australia
- WorkCover Western Australia
- Northern Territory - Office of Work Health and Electrical Safety
- Seacare
- Heads of Workers Compensation Authority (HoWCA)
Contacts by Phone
Australian Building Codes Board 1300 134 631 | www.abcb.gov.au
Australian Standards 1300 654 646
National O.H. & S. Committee (02) 6279 1000
NEW SOUTH WALES - Workcover 13 10 50
NORTHERN TERRITORY - Worksafe (08) 8999 5010
QUEENSLAND - Workcover 1300 362 128 Workplace H&S & Electricity Safety Office 1300 369 915
SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Workcover 13 18 55
TASMANIA - Workcover 1300 366 322
VICTORIA - Workcover (03) 9641 1444 Hazchem MFB - Dangerous Goods Dept (Melbourne Metro) (03) 9420 3935 VIC Roads - Transport Safety Ser. (03) 9881 8869
WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Main Roads - Heavy Vehicle Dept. (08) 9323 4111 Workcover (08) 9324 6666 Worksafe Safetyline (08) 9327 8777
NEW SOUTH WALES - Workcover 13 10 50
NORTHERN TERRITORY - Worksafe (08) 8999 5010
QUEENSLAND - Workcover 1300 362 128 Workplace H&S & Electricity Safety Office 1300 369 915
SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Workcover 13 18 55
TASMANIA - Workcover 1300 366 322
VICTORIA - Workcover (03) 9641 1444 Hazchem MFB - Dangerous Goods Dept (Melbourne Metro) (03) 9420 3935 VIC Roads - Transport Safety Ser. (03) 9881 8869
WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Main Roads - Heavy Vehicle Dept. (08) 9323 4111 Workcover (08) 9324 6666 Worksafe Safetyline (08) 9327 8777