Buying Guides

Below is a list of buying guides.
Safety Sign Information
Author: Andrew Matsen Date Posted: 6 January 2015
Safety Signs are necessary for the safety of everyone at your workplace. To be effective staff must be able to understand the message, and be aware of the possible consequences of not following it. ie: The consequences of not adhering to a danger sign could mean possible death. It is the responsibility of all owners and managers to educate their staff on the issue of safety.
Mandatory ...
How to choosing the correct size safety signs.
Author: Andrew Matsen Date Posted: 5 January 2015
Get the correct size from the beginning
If you are reading this guide then chances are you are looking to buy a safety sign to keep your workplace accident free and ensure that both your staff and customers are safe. So it is very important to buy the correct size safety sign from the very beginning to not only ensure it is as effective as possible but to also ensure peace of mind in the event of an accident.
Although not every safety sign is an Australian Standard regulation there are still many that are. So if you're purchasing safety signs to comply with the Occupational Health & Safety legislation set out in your state, then it is important that the sign is t...
OH&S Contacts