OH&S Contacts

You can contact your State and Federal Authroities in regards to legislation that may effect your business.

National health and safety sites 

National workers compensation sites 

Contacts by Phone

Australian Building Codes Board 1300 134 631 | www.abcb.gov.au
Australian Standards 1300 654 646
National O.H. & S. Committee (02) 6279 1000
NEW SOUTH WALES - Workcover 13 10 50

NORTHERN TERRITORY - Worksafe (08) 8999 5010

QUEENSLAND - Workcover 1300 362 128
Workplace H&S & Electricity Safety Office 1300 369 915

SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Workcover 13 18 55

TASMANIA - Workcover 1300 366 322

VICTORIA - Workcover (03) 9641 1444
Hazchem MFB - Dangerous Goods Dept (Melbourne Metro) (03) 9420 3935
VIC Roads - Transport Safety Ser. (03) 9881 8869

WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Main Roads - Heavy Vehicle Dept. (08) 9323 4111
Workcover (08) 9324 6666 Worksafe Safetyline (08) 9327 8777

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